If gum disease is not treated, the disease progresses to the jawbone. There are losses of strength in the jawbone, which should keep the teeth tight and strong, and the teeth begin to wobble. If not treated, tooth loss is inevitable.
The priority in the treatment of gingival recession begins with finding the cause. Treatments for the cause prevent recurrence and will stop the progression of recession. In the treatment of gingival recessions, after the existing inflammatory condition is eliminated, gingival grafts taken from the palate can be used to cover the gingival recessions. Whether the operation is appropriate or not for gingival recessions is decided by your doctor after the clinical and radiographic examination.
Basically bacterial plaque accumulation on tooth surfaces due to poor oral care is the cause of gum disease. In addition, smoking, genetics, puberty and pregnancy, some drugs used, diabetes, stress can also be factors in the onset or progression of the disease.
Tartar cleaning is the first step in the treatment of gum diseases. It is done with the use of some special ultrasonic and hand tools. It does not damage the tooth surface when it is done with the right method and at certain periods.
Recession in the gums can be due to inflammatory gum disease, or it can be the result of habits such as wrong tooth brushing, clenching and grinding. Root surfaces exposed as a result of gingival recession cause caries, sensitivity and aesthetic problems.
Gingivitis does not only affect the inside of the mouth. It also affects the general health of individuals as a result of the transport of inflammatory factors and bacteria through the bloodstream. Consequently it can cause problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, respiratory system diseases, risk of premature birth and low birth weight in babies.
Gum bleeding is the first and most important symptom of gum disease. Bleeding may occur during brushing, spontaneously or when biting something. The main reason is the inflammatory event that starts in the gingiva.
Since most of the gum diseases progress without pain symptoms, the person will not be aware of the current situation. There are symptoms such as bleeding spontaneously or when brushing, gingival recession, bad smell, sensitivity, pain, redness, edema, itching sensation, shaking of the teeth, exposure of the root surfaces. In case of detection of one or more of these conditions, it is important to be examined by a periodontist in order to prevent the disease from progressing.